Aluminum is durable, offers incredible strength for its weight, and is naturally resistant to corrosion. These attributes make it an attractive option when determining what material to use in metal fabrication. Aluminum can be a challenging metal to work with because of its low melting temperature and tendency to load on abrasives, making them less effective. Choosing the right abrasive when working with aluminum can eliminate weld defects, maximize productivity, and reduce overall consumable spend.
Maximize time on the job with products designed for high-performance cutting, grinding, cleaning, and finishing on aluminum.
INCLUSIONS: The oxide which occurs naturally on steel is destroyed during the welding process. Aluminum oxide is not destroyed during aluminum welding and must be removed prior to welding.
HEAT EXPANSION: When heated, aluminum expands twice as much as steel. As a result, warping and bending are significant issues.
ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY: Since aluminum conducts electricity better than steel, welding parameters like amperage must be adjusted for different conductance.